Telecoms giant to bring gigabit broadband to UK towns

Virgin Media O2 (VMO2) recently announced its newly available gigabit-capable broadband services are accessible to more users in two British towns.

Over 14,000 more businesses and homes in the area of Alfreton can now use the service, and for the first time ever, more than 12,000 commercial and domestic users in Blyth will enjoy access.

Customers based in Alfreton will now be able to sign up to a range of services, including VMO2’s Gig2 broadband. This service is ideal for enterprise customers as it can run at 2 Gigabytes per second, which is up to 34 times quicker than average speeds tested in the locale.

The network expansion is part of its focused effort by VMO2 to develop its infrastructure, with ongoing support from its service partner nexfibre’s considerable investment in its full fibre connectivity.

The funding is designed to bridge the current divide by providing hyper-fast fibre connections to both semi-rural and suburban areas throughout the UK.

A spokesperson for nexfibre commented:

“nexfibre’s multi-million-pound investment in Alfreton will enable thousands of households and businesses to access the benefits of full fibre broadband. We’re proud to facilitate access to futureproof hyper-fast fibre for more than 12,000 premises in Blyth.”

Along with the newly unveiled accessibility to its broadband services, VMO2 has stated that the mobile coverage it supplies, including its 4G network coverage, is offered to 99 per cent of the population, and its ongoing 5G services rollout will further enhance connectivity for users.