Key advantages of decluttering your desktop in 2024

A new year brings an opportunity for better IT habits.

Among the most simple but significant changes you can make is how you care for your computer’s desktop. If you’ve logged on in 2024 only to find an explosion of unnamed folders, random shortcuts and files waiting for you, there’s never been a better time to act.

How can cleaning up your PC desktop help?

Often the first option when you save a file, it’s no surprise that your desktop can soon become a major storage spot for data on devices. With it being treated as a temporary holding area for files we download or need to use or read, desktop space can fill up fast, making information we need to find quickly hard to locate.

If you need to keep data, make sure you identify it, and file it away where you can easily locate it. Send footage to your Videos folder, images to Photos, and Excel, Word and Text files to categorised folders in Documents. As for the rest, you can move them to your recycling bin if they’re no longer required.

How decluttering your desktop can improve PC performance

On top of making it easier to use, filing and removing unwanted data from your desktop can speed up your computer.

Displaying every file on your desktop uses valuable operating memory, which creates lag. Additionally, to make all these files accessible adds to how long your PC will take to start up, slowing you down.

By following these practices, you can enhance how your computer operates and improve your workflow. For advice and assistance with IT support issues, make connect with our team at 127 Solutions today.