How to run Windows updates during downtime

If you’re struggling with a slow PC, you might find it’s because your device is running an update.

While Windows is being updated, system resources will be used, impairing the speed of your machine. Here, we look at the best way to install updates without disrupting your workflow.

How updates affect your work

Updates can take time to install and may also involve your device needing to shut down and restart. This is often followed by the dreaded “Getting Windows Ready” message, which can be maddening when you have task you are in a hurry to finish.

For this reason, you might be tempted to put off this process so that it doesn’t impact your work – but updates are important.

When Microsoft creates an incremental update, it is not only designed to help Windows run more effectively, but also more safely. Security patches are included in updates that can protect your computer and the data it contains against cyberattacks.

Updates during downtime to avoid disruption

You can set up active hours for your PC that lets Windows know when it’s not in use.

Your device can then run updates automatically when you don’t need it. In Settings, go to Update and Security, followed by Windows update.

Here, you can click on “Change Active Hours” and set the time when you are using your machine most – for example, the standard office hours of nine to five – so that any updates will run during downtime.

If you need assistance with software updates, you’ll find this process is covered by our comprehensive support package. Call us today at 127 Solutions to see how we can help.