Broadband speeds make West Midlands best for business

A recent business research project has ranked the West Midlands as the region where new enterprises are most likely to succeed. A key factor that came into play was the strength of its internet services.

The study was carried out by Trooli, the ultrafast internet service provider (ISP). Analysts reviewed data on brand-new businesses and business growth rates, but also broadband speeds recorded by the UK government’s Office for National Statistics (ONS) and the Office of Communications (Ofcom).

Each UK county was ranked for the three factors alongside their distance from the capital and presented with a score. Afterwards, an average was taken to work out the most desirable places to begin a new business venture.

CEO for Trooli, Andy Conibere, commented:

“Given how important connectivity is to business success, we weren’t surprised to see counties in the Midlands and South of England taking the top spot. With reliable broadband speeds, convenient links to London, and a history of exceptional business growth, areas like the West Midlands offer huge opportunities for entrepreneurs.”

At just 115 miles from London, The West Midlands enjoy close connections with the capital. It also offered strong average broadband speeds of around 93.4Mbp. The region enjoys a burgeoning business community showing an exceptional rate of expansion.

Just last year, 13,785 brand-new businesses were launched in the West Midlands – a number greater than any other region of the UK. The West Midlands also has one the biggest populations of companies classed as high-growth enterprises and a vibrant business centre that attracts skill and talent.