Britons lose working days to slow internet service

A recent report issued by UK broadband provider has identified that remote workers here in the UK are losing as many as two full days each year because of slow internet.

Recent statistic show that close to half of UK employees are now working from home. Since lockdown, many firms have realised the tangible benefits of offering their teams greater flexibility in their working patterns, from increases to personal wellbeing and productivity to reduced cost from downsizing office space. Regardless of the advantages offered though, many remote workers have discovered that the infrastructure required to work beyond the confines of the traditional office environment is not always available.

While around 50% of UK residences can now access full fibre, one out of every two homes may still depend on inconsistent connections that make working difficult or impossible. recently surveyed more than 2,000 residents who work from home to reveal how much the UK’s remote workforce is slowed down by experiencing poor connectivity.

The survey found that respondents on average lost eight hours a year when working from home to a poor connection, with a cost to the economy of around £598m. This figure was much higher, however, for those living outside England. While workers in Greater London lost seven hours, Welsh and Scottish workers lost between 15 to 16 working hours due to slow internet.

Additionally, close to half of employees have upgraded their home internet connection since they began working remotely, with residents in Greater London recorded as the most likely to obtain a new package.